Local 315 LMOU2018

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Source Document[edit]

NPMHU Local 315 Local Memorandum of Understanding


This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into on the 9th day November 1996 between the Postmaster, Portland Oregon and Local 315 of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, A Division of the Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO, pursuant to the Local Implementation Provision of the 1994 National Agreement. Current version updated on June 30, 2018 - Consolidation Portland P&DC

It is agreed, by the Local parties, that any arbitration awards concerning our unresolved local items will be incorporated in the Local Memorandum.

Hours of Work[edit]

Section A Wash-Up Time[edit]

Mail Handlers who Perform dirty work or who work with toxic material shall be granted a reasonable amount of wash-up time.

Section L Overtime Desired List[edit]

The Overtime Desired List for Mail Handlers, Main Office Unit, will be by tour. The Overtime Desired List for Mail Handlers at stations will be by station. The Overtime Desired List for Mail Handlers at the AMF will be by tour.


Section C-1 Seniority Principle[edit]

Opportunity to schedule his/her vacation periods shall be offered to each employee on his/her tour and in his/her leave sign-up area. Sign-up areas shall be:

  1. 010;
  2. FLATS;
  3. USS;
  4. EPPs;
  5. AMF

Section C-2 Time Limit for Making Choice[edit]

Each employee shall be expected to exercise his/her option of a choice in the initial sign-up within a 24-hour period after he/she has been personally notified. If he/she fails to do so, he/she will be bypassed, after which he/she may exercise his/her option of choice when ready to do so within the periods still open. This is with the understanding that those employees junior to him/her who signed the vacation list in the interim will not be required to give up periods of annual leave they have chosen.

Section C-3 Canceled Leave Posting[edit]

If an employee needs to cancel a signed for leave period, a written request must be submitted to the appropriate unit supervisor. If the request is submitted at least 14 calendar days prior to the beginning of the service week of leave period to be canceled, that leave period will be posted on the appropriate bulletin board with a request for bids to be submitted. The leave period will be awarded on a seniority basis within a sign-up area. Only those employees with a minimum 40 hours uncommitted leave may bid on the vacated leave period.

Section C-4 Station Based Employee Principle[edit]

Any Mail Handler performing either full-time duty at a station or branch or duty divided between the Main Office and a station or branch and whose absence on annual leave would require replacement to be furnished from the Main Office will sign the vacation book at the Main office for the respective tour and floor that the replacement will be furnished from.

Section C-5 Consultation on Vacation Schedule[edit]

Management will inform the Union when the annual leave schedules are ready prior to distribution. Management will distribute the vacation slots in accordance with the formula specified in the National Agreement. Such determination will be based on PP data. The Union will designate representative to circulate the annual leave schedules for employee sign up.

Section C-6 Period Covering Sign-up book[edit]

The annual leave sign-up book shall cover the period starting with the first week of PP 06 through the last week in PP 05.

Section C-7 Vacation Sign-up Slots[edit]

Employees are expected to take their scheduled annual leave during the time they schedule it, unless some emergent condition prevents them from doing so.

Section D Choice Vacation Period[edit]

The choice vacation period will be 23 consecutive weeks commencing on the last Saturday in April and the three (3) week period which encompasses spring break for Oregon and Washington.

Section E Beginning Day[edit]

Vacation will start on the employee's first scheduled work day, within the service week, after his/her two (2) regularly scheduled days off. employees with Tuesday/Wednesday or Wednesday/Thursday as their regularly scheduled days off will begin their leave in the week prior to the week signed, following their SDO of this period week.

Slots available for sign-up will be based on service weeks. Once a slot is signed up for, it shall void remaining days in that service week.

Section F Length[edit]

  1. The first sign up is limited to the Choice Vacation Period.
  2. Employees will be eligible to sign up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive weeks in the choice vacation period.

Section G Attendance at State or National Convention[edit]

Attendance at National or State Conventions shall not be charged to the choice vacation period, but if a delegate intends to use annual leave to attend the Convention and can sign for the week on the schedule by seniority, he/she will be expected to do so.

Section H Maximum Number on Leave[edit]

The maximum number of employees who shall receive leave during the choice vacation period shall be determined by the following formula during each leave year:

The total number of full time and part time employees as of the the pay period two (02) roster, multiplied by the two or three weeks they are entitled to in the choice vacation period, divided by the number of weeks during the choice vacation period rounded up to the next whole number of weeks.

Section I Official Notification of Annual Leave Approval[edit]

The employee's signature in the official vacation sign-up book shall serve as official notification of approval of annual leave requested.

Section K-1 Second Sign-up[edit]

A second sign-up will be held for the employees to schedule the remaining leave that they may have earned during the year.

Section K-2 Application for Other Annual Leave[edit]

Applications for annual leave other than signed leave shall be made on-the-clock by a daily annual leave sign-up list in the working area established for leave schedules. Leave, if granted, will be determined by drawing of names on the list for that given day, regardless of where that employee is working at the time. For advanced requests of Annual Leave of eight (8) hours or more outside the Sign-up Book, the employee will contact his/her immediate Supervisor. The immediate Supervisor will determine, subject to work conditions, whether or not the employee can be granted the leave and shall inform the employee as soon as possible, but in no event later than the end of the tour on the work day following the day on which the request was made. Where no actions was taken within the this period the request for such leave must be approved.

Section K-3 Application for Other Vacant Weeks[edit]

After the sign-up, all remaining vacant weeks will be identified. Application for these vacant weeks must be made at least seven (7) days in advance for the week of leave involved. Employees may sign for vacant weeks in their respective current leave section. A minimum of three (3) days if leave must be taken, and the remaining days will not be available to other employees. Approval will be indicated by the employee's immediate supervisor's initials in the leave book. Employee must have 40 hours of previously uncommitted annual leave for each week signed, except those employees who have at least 24 hours of uncommitted annual leave, but not more than 40 hours, may sign for one week.


Section A Holiday Lists[edit]

To determine which employees wish to volunteer on holidays or days designated as an employee's holiday, management will post a list on each tour for full-time Mail Handlers to sign. The AMF will establish a separate holiday sign up list by tour.

In the event that Mail Handler employees may be released in less than eight (8) hours, normally the following shall be the pecking order for release.

  1. Employees by seniority who were drafted.
  2. Employees by seniority who are working their normal scheduled day;
  3. Employees by seniority who have volunteered on overtime status;
  4. PTF's;
  5. Casuals.

Exceptions to the above may be made in the event a replacement with the necessary skill requirements is not available.

No employee shall be scheduled to work his/her holiday in conjunction with scheduled annual leave unless he/she volunteers by signing the holiday list.

Principles of Seniority Posting & Reassignments[edit]

Section P Work Areas/Portland P&DC SECTIONS[edit]

The identification of Assignments Comprising a Section when it is proposed to reassign within an installation employee's excess to the needs of a section.

  1. 010; (to include Automation Support and Collections)
  2. Flats;
  3. USS; SWYB
  4. Dock; (to include West and North Truck Docks)
  5. EPPS;
  6. AMF; (AMF Facility)

The above shall apply to all three tours.

Section S-1 Principal Assignment Area/SECTIONS[edit]

  1. Principal Assignment Areas for bid posting shall be:
  2. Culling Belt Inspecting Empty Equipment
    Cutting Oregon Letters Rewrap
    SPR's Hanging Racks
    Flat Belt Working Dis Culling
    Hand Stamp Cutting PAKS letters
    Sweeping Cases Bulk Business Mail

Section S-2 Movement From and To[edit]

The order of movement of full time regular Mail Handler employees outside of their bid assignment area shall be out by juniority and return by seniority for temporary reassignments not covered by Article 25. Higher Level Detail, or Article 12, Section 4, Principles of Reassignment, and Section 5, Reassignments.

Section S-3 Copies of Posting Notices[edit]

The employer shall furnish the Local with HRIS Vacancy Notices and Personnel Order.

Assignment of Ill or Injured Regular Work Force Employees[edit]

Section M The Number of Light Duty Assignments[edit]

The number of light duty assignments reserved for permanent light duty for the Mail Handler Craft shall not exceed 5% of the Full Time Regular Work Force.

In the Mail Handler Craft, a suitable and reasonable number of temporary light duty assignments will be provided by the employer.

Section N Method of Reserving Light Duty Assignments[edit]

Request for Light Duty Assignment shall be written requests. To insure that no regularly assigned member of the regular work force will be adversely affected by the reservation of Light Duty Assignments, the follow method shall be used to reserve the assignments:

1. Permanent Light Duty[edit]

Assignment to a Permanent Light duty Assignment shall be in accordance with provisions of Article 13 of the National Agreement and other laws and regulations.

2. Temporary Light Duty[edit]

Temporary Light Duty Assignments shall be limited to 120 calendar days and must be supported by medical documentation after each 30. day period. Light Duty Assignments exceeding 120 days shall be be considered [Permanent Light Duty LMOU2018|Permanent Light Duty].

Exceptional cases may be extended upon mutual agreement between Management and the Union of up to 180 calendar days. The method of pacing employees in Temporary Light Duty Assignments will be in the following order of recourse:

  1. Modification of the employee's current position shall be the normal method of accommodating Temporary Light Duty.
  2. Where modification of the employee's current position would seriously affect the production of the Assignment, Light duty Assignments will be in the following order of recourse:
    1. To another Section
    2. To another Tour
    3. To another Facility
    4. To another Craft
  3. Reassignment to a Tour 2 schedule from the other tours will not be made. Reassignment to a Monday through Friday schedule from any other schedule will not be made.

Section O Light Duty Guidelines[edit]

Mail Handlers propose that temporary light duty guidelines be as follows:

  1. For the above purpose the following shall apply to all three tours:
    1. Culling Belt
    2. Cutting Letters
    3. SPRs
    4. Flat Belt
    5. Hand Stamp
    6. Sweeping Cases
    7. MTE Inspection
    8. Rewrap
    9. Hanging Racks
    10. Bulk Business Mail

Section B Guidelines for Curtailment or Termination of Postal Operations[edit]

In the event of civil disorders, bomb threats, extreme weather conditions, or other emergencies, Management will determine whether conditions are such that postal operations shall be curtailed or terminated, taking into consideration the needs of the Service, advice and restrictions of civil authorities and the welfare of the postal employee. Management decision must be discussed with a Union official on duty regarding the emergency.


Section Q President's Parking Space[edit]

One (1) parking space shall be reserved for the Mail Handlers Union President or designee on a 24 hour basis. An appropriate parking decal shall be required for the vehicle parked therein.


Section A Labor Management Meetings[edit]

Labor Management meetings with Local 315 shall be separate from those with other Unions and shall be scheduled between the parties. Agenda items will be exchanged prior to said meeting.

The Christmas planning meeting, usually held in November will be a joint meeting with all other crafts.


This Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective June 30, 2018 and shall remain in full force and effect until such further time as negotiations are initiated during a new contract ratification period or as directed by the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, a Division of the Laborer's International Union of North America AFL-CIO.


Felipe Flores, Sr. Plant Manager
U S Postal Service
Portland P&DC

Bryan Easley, President Local 315