Article 25 Higher Level Assignments

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Article 25 Higher Level Assignments[edit]

Section 25.1 Definitions[edit]

Higher level work is defined as an assignment to a ranked higher level position, whether or not such position has been authorized at the installation.

Section 25.2 Higher Level Pay[edit]

An employee who is detailed to higher level work shall be paid at the higher level for time actually spent on such job. An employee's higher level rate shall be determined as if promoted to the position. An employee temporarily assigned or detailed to a lower level position shall be paid at the employee's own rate.

[See Memo, page 197]

Section 25.3 Written Orders[edit]

Any employee detailed to higher level work shall be given a written management order, stating beginning and approximate termination, and directing the employee to perform the duties of the higher level position. Such written order shall be accepted as authorization for the higher level pay. The failure of management to give a written order is not grounds for denial of higher level pay if the employee was otherwise directed to perform the duties.

Section 25.4 Higher Level Details[edit]

Detailing of employees to higher level bargaining unit work in each craft shall be from those eligible, qualified and available employees in each craft in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists. However, for details of an anticipated duration of one week (five working days within seven calendar days) or longer to those higher level craft positions enumerated in this Agreement as being permanently filled on the basis of promotion of the senior qualified employee, the senior, qualified, eligible, available employee in the immediate work area in which the temporarily vacant higher level position exists shall be selected.

Section 25.5 Leave Pay[edit]

  1. Leave pay for employees detailed to a higher level position will be administered in accordance with the following:
    1. Employees working short-term on a higher level assignment or detail will be entitled to approved sick and annual paid leave at the higher level rate for a period not to exceed three days.
    2. Short-term shall mean an employee has been on an assignment or detail to a higher level for a period of 29 consecutive workdays or less at the time leave is taken and such assignment or detail to the higher level position is resumed upon return to work. All short-term assignments or details will be automatically canceled if replacements are required for absent detailed employees.
    3. Long-term shall mean an employee has been on an assignment or detail to the higher level position for a period of 30 consecutive workdays or longer at the time leave is taken and such assignment or detail to the higher level position is resumed upon return to work.
  2. Terminal leave payments resulting from death will be paid at the higher level for all employees who are assigned or detailed to higher level assignments on their last workday.